Marlene Hauser
These blogs are a chance to share with you more personally how I feel about things going on in my life and/or in the world at large. Sometimes they are directly related to my books, but most often they are not.
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Hi Everyone, Media addiction. Okay. So I said it aloud—or at least typed it. Media addiction. Call the devil by its name? Media. Addiction. What is it exactly? Well, to be frank, I’m...
Hi Everyone, So finally here in the UK, Post-Pandemic (sort of), we are able to travel. If I hadn’t been invited to Ibiza by a friend, I probably would not have gone. Who can interpret all the...
Hi Everyone, In the course of the past year, I have met Ai-Da. Ai-Da? Ai-Da who? Ai-Da the robot, the humanoid, a machine that creates—an artist. She (if I can actually call her that) creates (if I...
I’ve gone for a full-on, multi-lap, outdoors swim twice since lockdown easing, and both times it has felt brand new—as if I’d just discovered something I never knew before...
Hi Everyone, Inspiration. Where does it come from? I am often asked. Like many other authors, I don’t really have an answer. I am sure this is the case with most artists in whatever field they create...
Now that we have reached Stage One in the gradual relaxation of Lockdown Rules in England, I have allowed my extended daydreaming to run at full tilt...
To take it or not? This is the question that has spun through the minds of some people I know from the minute development was deemed...
My beautiful house, Summertown Villa, is now sold, and I am moving. As everyone who has moved knows—and who hasn’t? —this requires sorting, purging and packing...
Yes. Happy New Year! 2021. No point saying that the trajectory assumed in 2020 (the Roaring ’20s) never saw the light of day, at least for now...