Marlene Hauser

Marlene leaning on a stack of her books

Marlene Hauser


These blogs are a chance to share with you more personally how I feel about things going on in my life and/or in the world at large.  Sometimes they are directly related to my books, but most often they are not.

Please feel to subscribe (click the button) or to contact me (click here to email) at any time with thoughts or questions. Clearly you are free to unsubscribe at any time.

Thanksgiving. The magic, the miracle, is an everyday affair.

Having just returned from the USA, and the wonders of “home” and family there, I remain amazed by the emotions it has stirred up in me. It has been almost four years since my last trip back, and that...

Hallowe’en. What’s England got to do with it?

October! How many times in my American grade school was that capital O fashioned into a grinning jack-o’-lantern? October was Hallowe’en and, being celebrated on the 31st, it drove the month. Who were...

Think rejection is forever? Think again. Why I am releasing my novel Off-Island now.

It’s autumn here in Oxford, with its dew-drenched roses, misty mornings and windows firmly closed at night. “Fresh” is the word the British use to describe this time of year, and fresh it is. For me...

August Message

August to me means real summertime: dog days and a holiday stretch of beach. Most of my summer breaks over the years have been spent on one, even if it was only a lake with a sandy shore rather than...

July Message

Any mention of July to me always conjures up one day in the month in particular: the 4th of July, with its fireworks celebrating America's Independence Day. Even if I have not lived in the US for...

June Message

To me, June means Father’s Day. FATHER’S DAY writ large, that is. With a bigger- than-life father like mine, who could ever forget it? What do you give a man, a large man, a military man, who...

A May Message

In May I think of lily of the valley—muguet, as they say in France, where as a young child I was first introduced to this sweet-smelling flower. Of the upright stem, with its two bright green, broad...

April Message

Hi All, Change. Inevitable! Fear? Not! Love at first sight? Actually, it was love just moments before—call it presight. First came the acres of sunflowers and soy and then, halfway down the...

A March Message

Here in Oxford, England, March started with the ‘Beast from the East,’ a polar vortex that came spiraling in from Siberia. Temperatures plummeted to -10oC, 15 centimetres of snow fell, and with a Red...