Marlene Hauser

Marlene leaning on a stack of her books

Marlene Hauser


These blogs are a chance to share with you more personally how I feel about things going on in my life and/or in the world at large.  Sometimes they are directly related to my books, but most often they are not.

Please feel to subscribe (click the button) or to contact me (click here to email) at any time with thoughts or questions. Clearly you are free to unsubscribe at any time.

The Weft and Warp of Time

Hi Everyone, While many people class my novel Geraniums as historical fiction, I do not. Set in the 1960s and ’70s, I tag it modern-day, as those were years I lived through. History was within easy...

Luck of the devil

Hi Everyone, When was the last time you bought a lottery ticket? Growing up in my family home, games of chance were verboten, forbidden, evil and a slippery slope to who knows were. Hell, I assume...

The View from the Back Seat

Hi Everyone, The back seat. Some say it eventually hits every parent, mums and dads alike, but while some go with the flow, I understand others go kicking and screaming into that dark night, some even...

15-Minute Rule

Hi Everyone, “Always arrive early.” That’s what my grandmother said and that’s what she did. Why? Being “on time” to my grandmother Anne Theresa meant being early, even if you had to wait. In...

On Summer Time

Hi Everyone, June? How can it be? I was trying to hold back April and then May rolled in, and of course the garden? Well, that just keeps rolling right along, regardless. Yes, it is bursting with all...

A Becalmed Act II

Hi Everyone, Doldrums. I’ve always liked that word. It felt to me like a special, maybe even mythical place, and apparently to some degree it is. Doldrums is a nautical term that refers to the belt...

The Madness of War

Hi Everyone, Over twenty years ago, I adapted the Estonian novel The Czar’s Madman for the screen. That particular adaptation, sadly, has never been produced, despite my being told by the author’s...

The Fair Incognito Cont’d

Hi Everyone Some authors say that all work should be kept quiet until you have finished the last draft. I imagine that to possibly be true. However, as a few of you have asked for more of WIP The Fair...

Unearthing the Story

Hi Everyone,   When I began writing again after a break of at least a decade, I turned to Jane Friedman’s How to Publish Your Book, produced by The Great Courses. In time, I subscribed to Jane’s...