Marlene Hauser

Marlene leaning on a stack of her books

Marlene Hauser


These blogs are a chance to share with you more personally how I feel about things going on in my life and/or in the world at large.  Sometimes they are directly related to my books, but most often they are not.

Please feel to subscribe (click the button) or to contact me (click here to email) at any time with thoughts or questions. Clearly you are free to unsubscribe at any time.

How To Save Humanity

This Monday morning, despite having had a relatively busy weekend at the Oxford Literary Festival, I found myself at the Bodleian Library doing research for the next novel. After arriving a bit late...

This? That?

Hi Everyone, Snowing in Oxford this morning and Classic FM is playing Prokofiev’s Sleigh Ride while I stare in disbelief out the kitchen windows. Yes, snow is falling heavily and the Bengal refuses to...

Mine, Novel Number Three

Hi Everyone, Coming soon: Mine. My third novel—yes, a story of love, loss and unexpected endings—is being released by The Book Guild on May 28, 2023. Please enjoy a small excerpt from Chapter One...

Wonderland Oxford

Hi Everyone New Year. New ideas, people, places, things? Nope. Not for me. Not entirely anyway because I am hugely grateful for the existing ones, especially the old ones like the town where I live...

A Collectible Christmas

Hi Everyone, Collections? Who has a collection? I do, but mine is not of Rembrandts or Fabergé eggs. It is of horses, mostly small-ish figurines that I have picked up here and there over the years...

Cast your Bread

Hi Everyone, Depending on where you are in the world the weather is most probably warming up or most undoubtedly cooling down! Here in Oxford, it is, thankfully, gently turning colder and more...

Green Man, Gold Faun, Pearl Earring

Hi Everyone, Inspiration. It’s everywhere. As they say, “just look!” Some readers often ask a writer where she finds her vision, and the more fact-like a work appears, the more a reader assumes the...

I will wait for you

Hi Everyone, As anyone who listens to the news almost anywhere in the world knows, H. M. Queen Elizabeth II died peacefully on the afternoon of September 8th. Earlier in the day, there had been a...

Mine, An Excerpt

Hi Everyone, My third novel Mine is hotting up, with interest growing. I thought I’d choose one of my favorite parts to share with those of you who have asked. Sophie listened, while catching...