Marlene Hauser
These blogs are a chance to share with you more personally how I feel about things going on in my life and/or in the world at large. Sometimes they are directly related to my books, but most often they are not.
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Hi Everyone, Depending on where you are in the world the weather is most probably warming up or most undoubtedly cooling down! Here in Oxford, it is, thankfully, gently turning colder and more...
Hi Everyone, Inspiration. It’s everywhere. As they say, “just look!” Some readers often ask a writer where she finds her vision, and the more fact-like a work appears, the more a reader assumes the...
Hi Everyone, As anyone who listens to the news almost anywhere in the world knows, H. M. Queen Elizabeth II died peacefully on the afternoon of September 8th. Earlier in the day, there had been a...
Hi Everyone, My third novel Mine is hotting up, with interest growing. I thought I’d choose one of my favorite parts to share with those of you who have asked. Sophie listened, while catching...
Ah! The Beach. This summer, I have been fortunate enough to escape the cooler climes of Oxford, England for the sunny weather of the Mediterranean...
According to Wikipedia, “Roe v. Wadewas a landmark decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in which...
Hi Everyone, This month’s blog is a shameless (forgive me) request for you to buy, perhaps multiple copies, of my recently published novel, Geraniums. Read it and perhaps review it, and submit...
Hi Everyone, Sometimes I’m at a loss as to what to blog about, but this month there is no doubt whatsoever. First and foremost in my heart is the Oxford Literary Festival, now in its 25th year...
One evening, while working on extra-credit for World History, trying to please M, who I thought might end her eternal litany of put-downs...