Marlene Hauser


lady in an expensive cream blouse looking at her watch

15-Minute Rule

Hi Everyone, “Always arrive early.” That’s what my grandmother said and that’s what she did. Why? Being “on time” to my grandmother Anne Theresa meant being early, even if you had to wait. In addition, you had to leave in advance to be early (on time), which we always did. The funny thing is that with my grandmother […]

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Bright fish and a turtle in the Maldives sea

On Summer Time

Hi Everyone, June? How can it be? I was trying to hold back April and then May rolled in, and of course the garden? Well, that just keeps rolling right along, regardless. Yes, it is bursting with all things green and a variety of roses (some unknown to me), as well as free-seeded flowers in

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Abstract image of a wave

A Becalmed Act II

Hi Everyone, Doldrums. I’ve always liked that word. It felt to me like a special, maybe even mythical place, and apparently to some degree it is. Doldrums is a nautical term that refers to the belt around the Earth near the equator where sailing ships sometimes get caught on windless waters. It is today more

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Thorn branch with a drop of water

The Madness of War

Hi Everyone, Over twenty years ago, I adapted the Estonian novel The Czar’s Madman for the screen. That particular adaptation, sadly, has never been produced, despite my being told by the author’s then agent that it was his favourite adaptation. As I see the tragic events continue to unfold in Ukraine, I am even more convinced of

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Georgian lady in print

The Fair Incognito, an extract

Hi Everyone, Since you asked, here’s the opening (Chapter 1, page 1) of The Fair Incognito, my new novel now in progress. I hope you enjoy. ❤ “Maman, where are we?”     “In the pages of a rich and splendid book.”     “I’m hungry.”     “Of course you are.”     “There’s only bread.”     “And cheese?”     “I could shoot something.”     “You

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