Marlene Hauser

Marlene leaning on a stack of her books

Marlene Hauser


These blogs are a chance to share with you more personally how I feel about things going on in my life and/or in the world at large.  Sometimes they are directly related to my books, but most often they are not.

Please feel to subscribe (click the button) or to contact me (click here to email) at any time with thoughts or questions. Clearly you are free to unsubscribe at any time.

Writer inspired by literary landscape | The Oxford Times | 24th January 2019

I first came to Oxford in 2011 when my husband Paul decided to reinvigorate The Manor Country House Hotel at Weston On The Green. One of the first things I noticed about living in Oxford was that I...

The Connection: The moment the reader “gets it.”

This newsletter has been running now for just over a year, and writing it once a month sets me happily on some sort of a conveyor that turns the year—at least in my mind’s eye. I see a clock, a belt...

Some Kind of Wonderful: One step at a time

I wonder what 2019 will bring? “Stay in the day,” some say. Don’t take the whole year at a time, a whole life at a time. “Keep your head where your feet are,” others advise, which simply means live...

Entanglement: par for the course or pearl of great price?

Recently, when I was describing to a friend the numerous challenges currently facing my family and myself, she rejected the metaphor I’d just used, saying, “No, not a car pile up, more like a jewelry...

Thanksgiving. The magic, the miracle, is an everyday affair.

Having just returned from the USA, and the wonders of “home” and family there, I remain amazed by the emotions it has stirred up in me. It has been almost four years since my last trip back, and that...

Hallowe’en. What’s England got to do with it?

October! How many times in my American grade school was that capital O fashioned into a grinning jack-o’-lantern? October was Hallowe’en and, being celebrated on the 31st, it drove the month. Who were...